Before & After Buttock Implant Patient Photos By Dr. Ryan Stanton
IMPORTANT NOTE: This page contains medical information that includes graphic visuals of medical pre-operative and post-operative photos that may be disturbing to some viewers. DO NOT ENTER THIS PAGE if you do not wish to see these images. Access to this medical information is NOT AUTHORIZED for those UNDER THE AGE OF 18. By entering this page, you hereby certify that you are 18 or over.
The web site fully respects and honors the integrity of the information that is displayed on the web site. In that regard, you, the viewer may feel completely assured that the pre and post-operative photos (before and after photos) have been certified by this web site, with the individual doctor, in writing, that they are; 1)his/her original work from the same patient and not taken from any other source, and; 2) the photos that are displayed have NOT been altered in any manner digitally, and; 3) that the patients in the before and after photos that are displayed have given complete consent to the doctor displaying them on the website.
Finally, it is important that the viewer of this web site realize and understand that the results displayed in the before and after pictures are SPECIFIC to each patient who has had a surgical procedure performed and that the results viewed in the before and after pictures CANNOT be a measure or guarantee to the viewer that they will achieve the same results, as all patients are different in their surgical healing and recovery processes.